Nipsey Hussle's Brother Requests To Be Additional Co-Parent For Emani

May 2024 ยท 1 minute read

The custody of Nipsey Hussle's daughter, Emani, has yet to be resolved as Nipsey's sister, Samantha Smith, was denied the rights to custody and Nipsey's family have argued that Emani's mother is an unfit parentThe Blast now reports that Nipsey's brother Samiel Asghedom (AKA Blacc Samm) and their mother Angelique Smith have requested to "be appointed as co-guardians with Samantha Smith."

Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

According to documents, the three state how they've been a "constant and strong presence in Emani's life. They have participated in her care and upbringing since her birth. Since the unfortunate murder of Emani's father in March 2019, Samiel and Angelique have assisted in providing care for Emani."

It states even further: "The request to appoint Samiel and Angelique as co-guardians is, per the recommendation of Minor's Counsel, a form of 'insurance policy' so that should anything happen to one of Emani's guardians, other guardians are already in place to continue in providing for Emani's care without having to return to Court."

Blacc Sam has previously filed paperwork supporting their sister getting custody of Nipsey's daughter and we can only hope that him and their mother agreeing to be co-parents settles the ongoing court battle.  
