How to complete Relics of Seirai world quest puzzle

February 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Completing a World Quest is one of the ways in which Genshin Impact players can collect Primogems. Since version 2.1, multiple new World Quests have been added to the game, specifically in Seirai Island and Watatsumi Island.

The Relics of Seirai, a hidden World Quest in Seirai Island, requires Genshin Impact players to save a helpless woman searching for a treasure her ancestors left her. It is labeled as a hidden quest because, unlike other World Quests, there is no exclamation mark on the map even though players are in the correct location.

Here is how gamers can start the Relics of Seirai World Quest and complete it in Genshin Impact.

Guide to complete World Quest Relics of Seirai in Genshin Impact

Fujiwara Toshiko surrounded by enemies (Image via Genshin Impact)

You can start by teleporting to a Teleport Waypoint in Koseki Village, Seirai Island. Then, glide down from the hill and head east until you see a woman wearing an eyepatch surrounded by Hilichurls.

World Quest exclamation mark on top of Fujiwara Toshiko (Image via Genshin Impact)

Defeat all the enemies, and only then will the World Quest exclamation mark appear on top of the NPC. After that, talk to Fujiwara Toshiko to start the task.

The treasure map from Toshiko (Image via Genshin Impact)

Toshiko will give you a treasure map with a symbol on the bottom right of the page. These symbols are the sequence of tiles that you need to step on to complete the puzzles later on.

How to activate the mechanism

Activate the mechanism beside Toshiko (Image via Genshin Impact)

Following the navigation quest, go to an old house with Toshiko in front of it. You will see a switch beside Toshiko. In this quest, there will be three puzzles where you need to step on the right tiles. To start the puzzles, you need to interact with the switch.

You can start the first Relics of Seirai puzzle in Genshin Impact by interacting with the mechanism beside Toshiko.

Activation pattern for the puzzles

Pattern for the first puzzle (Image via Genshin Impact)

Step on the tiles around the house counter-clockwise. You can refer to the image above to complete the puzzle. Once all tiles are lit up, the floor will break, and you can enter the underground basement for the next task.

Pattern for the second puzzle (Image via Genshin Impact)

You may interact with the mechanism on the wall to start the second puzzle. Starting from the end of the tiles, you can walk forward from the outer tiles into the inner tiles.

Pattern for the third puzzle (Image via Genshin Impact)

After completing the second puzzle, interact with the switch on the wall again for the last puzzle. The tiles on the floor will change into a different arrangement. Similarly, you can refer to the image above and follow the directions on it.

A picture is the only item in the chest (Image via Genshin Impact)

The seal around the Common Chest will be undone, and Toshiko will open it only to find a picture. For the final task, follow Toshiko back to her camp. You need to fight some Treasure Hoarders, Nobushi, and Fatui Skirmishers along the way back to the camp.

50 Primogems as a reward for completing the quest (Image via Genshin Impact)

Once you reach the camp, Toshiko will prepare rewards for you, thus completing the World Quest.

By the end of this task, Genshin Impact players will receive 50 Primogems and an achievement, 'It Has to Be Treasure,' that will give another 5 Primogems. For a short quest, the rewards are valuable, and gamers are recommended to complete this World Quest.

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