Prince Harry Took a Gorgeous Photo of Meghan Markle During Royal Tour

February 2024 · 2 minute read

Kensington Palace frequently shares updates on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on social media, but its latest post is especially sweet, because it features a photo Prince Harry personally took of Meghan Markle.

The shot was presumably taken on the couple's last day of roual tour in the Pacific, specifically during their final engagement at the Redwoods Tree Walk in Rotorua, New Zealand, yesterday. The portrait shows Markle standing in the middle of a forest of towering redwood, with the sun shining in the background.

The caption was also written by Harry. "Thank you New Zealand for the most wonderful last week of our tour. It has been a privilege to meet so many friendly Kiwis," he wrote. "Australia, Fiji, Tonga and NZ—we leave feeling inspired and reminded of how every single one of us can make a difference."

He closed with a quote from Kate Sheppard, a suffragist and women's rights activist from New Zealand in the late 19th century. "The rain that refreshes the parched ground, is made up of single drops," Harry quoted.

During their visit to New Zealand, the couple celebrated the country's 125th anniversary of women's suffrage, and Meghan gave an empowering speech on feminism.

Days earlier, Meghan also took a photo of Harry that was shared on Kensington Palace's social media. The shot showed the Duke of Sussex rehearsing his speech for the Invictus Games in Sydney.

Harry also took a picturesque photo that was shared on the Palace's Instagram story.

Although the couple doesn't have their own public social media accounts, it's nice to see them getting involved with Kensington Palace's official posts.

Harry and Meghan also aren't the only photographers in the family. Their sister-in-law Kate Middleton is an avid fan of photography and even snaps the official portraits of her children that are released on their birthdays.

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Erica Gonzales is the Senior Culture Editor at, where she oversees coverage on TV, movies, music, books, and more. She was previously an editor at There is a 75 percent chance she's listening to Lorde right now. 
